This Tuesday, November 17th — the world will celebrate International #CampTShirtDay. Photos will stream through social media with thousands taking part.
While we have had the privilege over the last few years to run #CampTShirtDay — the event has never been about us.
CTSD is about sharing the incredible gift of camp with the world. For those of us lucky enough to have lived it — I know you are just as passionate about the summer camp experience as I am.
Think about it for a second…
Campers, staff members, alumni, and parents from countries all over the world will be celebrating the camps they love — and the idea of camp itself.
Not enough people know about this amazing gift. They do not understand the closeness of the friendships we have formed. They do not understand the personal growth that can happen in just seven or eight weeks. They do not understand how camp is fostering tomorrow’s young leaders. And — they do not understand what the fuss is all about.
#CampTShirtDay is one way to share our feelings with the world.
#CampTShirtDay is a way to show our camp pride and spirit.
#CampTShirtDay is a way to say “Thank You” to those who have given us this gift.
#CampTShirtDay is a way to celebrate all that we have accomplished at camp.
#CampTShirtDay is a way to make sure everyone is listening.
As we prepare for Tuesday, and in hopes of getting as many people involved as possible — post the I LOVE CAMP photo (below) to your social media accounts to encourage others to take part.
In your Instagram caption or 140 Characters on Twitter — let the world know why YOU Love Camp and why YOU will be taking part in #CampTShirtDay this Tuesday.
Together, not only can we ensure that this is the biggest International Summer Camp T-Shirt Day yet, but perhaps we can inspire others to learn more about the gift of camp.
If this day is everything I know it can be — trust me, they will hear us.
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